YoshinoCALC Crack 2022 [New] 🧤
yoshinoCALC is a free scientific calculator software like PowerToy Calc from Microsoft.
Creating this software was not so difficult since I have already constructed an algorithm to evaluate mathematical expressions for the other freeware yoshinoGRAPH. After making a dll EvaluateExpression.dll using the algorithm, it was used to make yoshinoCALC.
Depending on their necessities, users will be able to switch the view modes between the “History” or “Conventional” ones without exiting the software.
The third function “Column View” is convenient when you calculate summation of numbers. This way, you will not need to start Excel just to calculate a simple summation of numbers.
YoshinoCALC Crack + Free
*This software is a scientific calculator which provides three view modes. *1) The “History” (used for previously evaluated numbers), 2) The “Conventional” (used for evaluating new numbers), and 3) The “Column View” (used to express a summation of numbers). *After entering a simple mathematical expression, the value of the expression is automatically evaluated and displayed under the appropriate view mode. *Additionally, you can switch the value of mathematical expressions without leaving the program.
*There is a “Clear” command to remove displayed value, and a “Reset Value” to clear all evaluated numbers from the memory.
It is possible to modify the displayed number font color, background color, and the text size. A history of the evaluated expressions could be saved to the text file.
*It is possible to write an e-mail message to indicate a new found method to yoshino.
*Supporting over 40 common and scientific units and constants (IEEE 754 and C standard ones).
*It is possible to choose whether to use the double precision or single precision type for evaluating mathematical expressions.
*It supports several constants for mathematical expressions (sin, cos, sgn, log, exp, pow, etc).
*IEEE 754 format for scientific notation and “C” standard ones are supported.
*The memory used to store the expression values is saved on disk.
*16 color option
*Yoshino Calk option
*Many other functions are optional to use:
– Math-mode (for LaTeX command)
– Tilde-mode (when yoshino accepts only the “~” symbol to be used as constants)
– History (the saved calculated values of the evaluated expressions)
– Column View (the summation of numbers)
You are permitted to use and distribute this software freely in any medium and for any purpose. (C)2008-2011 “Yoshino”
Any questions please contact yoshino from my yoshinoCALC posting above.
Yoshino Software Inc.
How common
YoshinoCALC Free PC/Windows
This is the description of the content of yoshinoCALC.
yoshinoCALC is the free scientific calculator software for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP/VISTA. The user interface is based on Microsoft PowerToy Calc. It consists of two views:
1. Traditional one
2. History one
You can switch the view modes by pressing “Shift+F10” or “F9”.
We can calculate any mathematical expression as in Microsoft PowerToy Calc. Moreover, yoshinoCALC has also conversion functions between IEEE floating-point and decimal. The user can specify the number of digits to be used for the calculations as well as the number of digits after the decimal point. yoshinoCALC can be used to solve simple equations such as in “PowerToy Calc” and also more advanced ones such as “Vandermonde’s Matrix”. The user can also set the units of the value of the calculations. The following units are available:
– Second (unit of duration)
– Minute (unit of volume)
– Hour (unit of mass)
– Kilogram (unit of mass)
– Atto (unit of electric charge)
– Bohr (unit of electric charge)
– Planck (unit of electric charge)
– Milli-electron (unit of electric charge)
– Micro-electron (unit of electric charge)
– Nano-electron (unit of electric charge)
– Pico-electron (unit of electric charge)
– Femto-electron (unit of electric charge)
– Mega-electron (unit of electric charge)
– Zepto-electron (unit of electric charge)
– Electron-Volt (unit of electric charge)
– Angstrom (unit of length)
– Bohr-Angstrom (unit of length)
– Angstrom-Radian (unit of angle)
– Bohr-Angstrom-Radian (unit of angle)
– Pico-Electron-Volt (unit of electric charge)
– Mega-electron-Volt (unit of electric charge)
– Tera-electron-Volt (unit of electric charge)
– Color (unit of wavelength)
– Compton (unit of
YoshinoCALC Product Key
* drag-and-drop operation in the “Calculation Tree” pane
* pull-down menus in the “Calculation Tree” pane to change
the view mode
* ‘Copy/Cut/Paste/Revert’ (pasted item will be changed)
with “Copy/Cut/Paste/Revert”
and “Clear All” buttons, you can copy
and paste your mouse-over items for
* Clear button in every view mode
(the expression is cleared)
* the ratio of the selected mode
to the current one can be modified
and the size of the “Copy/Cut” and “Paste”
* 2 cells in the “copy items”
and “paste items” pane can be
saved in the “Currency”
* Setting the “Operator” in the “Calculation
Tree” pane to “Operator in the 2
col. area” (see the description
for “History View”) will be
returned to “Operator in the 3
col. area” when you click on
“Operator in the 3 col.”
* “Evaluate All” in the “Calculation Tree”
pane after saving the expression
* ‘Operator in the 2 col. area’
* a direct way to calculate a
fixed-point number
* ‘Draw a Free-form Number’
* enter a floating point number and a
unit to find out the expression
* drag-and-drop operation in the free-form number view
* ‘Transpose current view mode’ and
* “Evaluate” and “Evaluate All” for the
first time in 1 view mode
* “View Mode Preferences” to change the view modes
* “Hardware Setup” to customize the view mode of your mouse
* “Help” to find out the keyboard shortcuts
* Clear all button in “Calculate” to reset the “Copy” and “Paste”
* “Clear All” button to clear all buttons
in “Calculate”
* “Copy/Cut/Paste/Revert” in “Calculate”
* “Copy/Cut/Paste/Revert” in “Calculation Tree”
* “Revert” will return the current view mode
(the view mode changed to
“History”) to
What’s New In?
You can find an English description and official manuals here.
I tried both calculators… I generally use “Conventional” when I want to calculate something that takes a lot of column width and/or calculator memory. I use “History” when I want to do something on a single line and/or calculator’s memory is limited.
Here’s a comparison – the Calculator I wrote a while ago:
(10 + 5 * 3) + (5 + 5) + (3 + 3) => 65
(10 + 5 * 3) + (5 + 5) + (3 + 3) => 65
I use functional programming quite a bit, so I had to compose functions out of functions. So if you wanted to write yoshino_shouyuGK(calc_func(a) + calc_func(b) + calc_func(c) +…) it would be easier if the calced function doesn’t depend on the next args. So I used Currying – first return to a function of one input, then return to a function of two, etc.
You’ll see some of my functions start off “func(x)(y)”… The “x” is how many args my func() takes, and the “(y)” is how many more args I need to pass into it.
You also will see this:
When you see a function taking multiple args in an expression – it’s called tuple packing.
Here’s an array of functions (type A):
yoshino_shouyuGK = {
“add” = curry(add, 1),
“sub” = curry(sub, 1),
“mul” = curry(mul, 1),
“div” = curry(
System Requirements For YoshinoCALC:
– Windows 7 or later
– Wifi
– 200MB+ RAM (Hard Core)
– 2GB+ RAM (Average)
– 2GHz+ CPU
– 5GB+ Hard Disk Space
– Steam
– 150MB+ RAM (Hard Core)
– 4GB+ Hard Disk Space
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