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Tf2 Metal Generator

in the video game, team fortress 2, an economy grew inside of it. it had its own currency and barter systems, and everything was running smoothly. but, in time, things started to get very strange. one of the currency types, keys, started to raise in value (the price of a key was originally at 2.33 refined metal (2 refined and 1 reclaimed), but it slowly went up to 2.66 and greater). now, the value of keys have reached 15 refined metal (give or take), and the value of many other items have gone down dramatically. for example, a sub currency, called buds, were valued at 16 keys, but through the rise of keys, have lowered to around 5-6 keys.

i did some reading in the comments on this site on the subject of the above video. for those who are interested in a summary of the points made in the comments, here is a quick summary of the points made in the comments. 1) the first is the point that the video does not “show” anything that a human mind could not make. sure. but the point is that if we do not have some sort of “fingerprint” that a human being can’t make then the algorithm is guessing. this has been tested. 2) another commenter points out that a human can’t tell the difference between the images. well duh. you can’t tell the difference between a tf2 image and a human face. but since there are no other ways to produce such images and they can’t be made, then they are produced by an algorithm, which means that there is a fingerprint that a human mind could not make. 3) another commenter points out that this is all too easy and is obviously a “machine learning” model. sorry, but if your algorithm can’t produce a unique fingerprint for an image that it doesn’t know, then it is guessing and that means it is not a “machine learning” model. 4) yet another commenter points out that the “generator” could have used the “random noise” function from the matlab image processing toolbox and come up with the same thing. sure, but i could do the same thing. that’s not the point. the point is that if a human couldn’t do it, then an algorithm can’t do it. 5) and a final commenter points out that the images are “not too good” and that they are “close to real”. i agree, but if a human can’t make them, then the algorithm must be guessing.

this paper presents a flexible thermoelectric generator (teg) that can efficiently harvest heat energy from the human body to generate electricity. the teg was fabricated by embedding thermoelectric elements in a low thermal conductivity aerogel-pdms composite, which was then constrained by a silicone rubber layer. the authors quantified the output power density and efficiency of the teg by performing experiments using a human-scale calorimeter with an active cooling system. they then performed human-scale experiments and demonstrated that the teg can effectively harvest heat energy from the human body.
if you are attacked by a metal gear acid snake, you’ll have to use an alternate weapon or your arm will be damaged. the default weapon is the stick. if you attack with it, it’ll break. you can also hold the stick and press the “b” button, which will change it into a knife, which can be used to cut snake’s arms off. you can also press “b” and hold the stick to be able to shoot for a while.
after the end credits, the player will be running around at nighttime and will be attacked by a metal gear that gives the player a zuka. if the player is holding the zuka, the metal gear will be forced to come to snake. the player will get out of the zuka, but the metal gear will chase snake.
the player needs to enter an “invisible” zone in order to get rid of the metal gear. the player must use the c4, which is in the center of the invisible zone. if the player drops the c4, the metal gear will go after snake.
in this study, we sought to determine if the approach that utilizes rigid metal legs connected electrically in series to form a teg can be used to create a flexible teg by incorporating the liquid metal interconnects into a silicone elastomer. the approach was first validated by producing a flexible teg using only rigid legs with liquid metal interconnects. the output voltage of the teg was measured and found to be comparable to a commercial teg. the output power was also measured and found to be comparable as well. the teg was then incorporated into a wearable garment so that it can be used to provide cooling on a hot summer day.



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November 20, 2022 9:20 pm Reply

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