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Is it possible to prevent loss of precision when you are subtracting numeric values of equal or close/almost-equal precisions?
I am trying to write a formula that retrieves the value of a numeric column from a table by this:
IF(ISERROR(QUERY(TableName!$A:$C, “SELECT top 1 $B from TableName ORDER BY $B”, 0)), “No Data Available”, QUERY(TableName!$A:$C, “SELECT top 1 $B from TableName ORDER BY $B”))
To achieve the desired behavior, I had to use
IF(ISERROR(QUERY(TableName!$A:$C, “SELECT top 1 $B from TableName ORDER BY $B”, 0)), “No Data Available”, QUERY(TableName!$A:$C, “SELECT top 1 $B from TableName ORDER BY $B”))-1
But I am concerned about the precision losses. Is there something that can be done to prevent them?
You could use the CUBE function for this:
=CUBE(QUERY(TableName!$A:$C, “SELECT top 1 $B from
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