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On the more casual side, you can check out Sex and the City, where a girl who wants to have fun can easily secure a quick hookup with a guy whom she might have met in a bar.
Others would prefer the more hardcore side of casual sex. SeekingArrangement.com is a dating website for people who are a little more searching for serious arrangements — allowing people to “network” for casual sex.
Is casual sex bad for you?

The best — as well as the worst — parts of casual sex.
In the past, it was always thought of as something sad; yet, as a society has become more and more comfortable about sex, even in the most casual way of hookups, some people are finding the freedom to be okay with sex. They’re able to be proud of having the freedom to do this, which shows a pretty big leap in cultural evolution.
From this point of view, casual sex may actually be a movement towards finding satisfaction in more intimate relationships. As far as problems that come with casual sex, a lot of them surround porn, and how it can desensitize people to more intimate situations. But porn is really just one side of the spectrum, and it’s been debated for years as to how much it desensitizes people to sex in the real world.
For instance, if they are sexually aroused by pornographic content, doesn’t that suggest that they may be aroused by casual sex? Sure, it’s very different from what you actually want, but it’s still a form of sexual arousal.
A lot of casual sex means you’re not 100 percent sure of who you’re having sex with. Regardless of the age of both you and your partner, maybe it’s a bit awkward to ask for specific details about them and what they do for a living. That’s why people like to stay in touch with friends. A casual hookup app can just be a way to get to that point.
Is casual sex bad for you?

Just because casual sex has not only been legitimized in recent years, but veritably been made the social standard, doesn’t mean that it’s always super healthy. The ubiquity of porn, media examples, and above all, the swiping model of dating apps have all contributed to a society where hookup culture can be the default — “If having sex was once taboo, not having it is today,” says Washington Post columnist Christine Emba in her book Rethinking Sex: A Provocation
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Why having more sex doesn’t necessarily mean you’re better looking.There are many potential advantages to casual sex that I’ll outline below. The downside is that you have no emotional protection, your brain chemistry is shot and as a result you are not being responsible and there’s the possibility of you being exploited and hurt. If you don’t think this is true for you then please stop reading. The very worst thing that you could do is have casual sex and then tell other people that casual sex is not a problem. This is how the casual sex community spreads its poison and how women and other men with self-esteem issues lose it.

Getting What You Want

So why, you may ask, would you want to have casual sex? While sex is one of the most important parts of a relationship, often times it can be easy to take for granted. If you’ve been in a committed relationship for a while, and nothing seems to be coming easy anymore, casual sex can be an easy alternative.

There are many potential advantages to casual sex that I’ll outline below. The downside is that you have no emotional protection, your brain chemistry is shot and as a result you are not being responsible and there’s the possibility of you being exploited and hurt. If you don’t think this is true for you then please stop reading. The very worst thing that you could do is have casual sex and then tell other people that casual sex is not a problem. This is how the casual sex community spreads its poison and how women and other men with self-esteem issues lose it.

Hooking up seems to be the solution to the majority of relationship problems today. But if you want to create a better and more fulfilling relationship with yourself, then you’ll have to face the fact that casual sex does little to support a meaningful, committed relationship. Instead, casual sex:

Creates more baggage for both you and your partner.

Dissolves your relationship and replaces it with a new one

Can cause a great deal of resentment, if not outright hostility, as your partner may feel cheated.

Catch What You Want

One of the greatest problems with dating apps like Tinder and apps like Snap that only suggest potential matches based on mutual proximity, is that you are always limited by your phone’s range. Not only do you miss out on meeting people in the general vicinity, but this way of meeting people also limits your




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