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Using Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements is available at no cost and enables you to open, create, and edit a number of Adobe-compatible files, including images, PDFs, and even video.

You can open an image in a number of ways. First, choose File⇒Import. At the bottom of the dialog box that opens, you can choose a file type by clicking on its icon. The icons for a few file types are on the left side of the dialog box. If you cannot find your file type, you can always use the Browse button to browse to the file in your computer and then select it. You can also have the computer use Windows Open to open the image file. You can use an arrow to navigate the available choices.

After you select a file type, click Open. The image automatically opens in the program. You can use a collection of tools to edit the image. When you are finished, you can save it to your computer by choosing File⇒Save.

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When you first use Photoshop Elements, you will notice that it is laid out differently. Photoshop Elements is more compact and organized than standard Photoshop. Instead of working with a grid, layers, groups, etc, Elements works best when you organize your layers by level.


The usual file structure in Elements is more compact than in Photoshop. Instead of separate folders for layers, objects, images, etc, your image assets are divided into a small number of folders that group your files. Each folder contains layers, groups and other objects.

Folder Structure In Elements

**Note:** When you import an image to Elements, the original file is always saved within the Image\Original folder.

**In older versions of Photoshop Elements, the Element\Image Assets folder has replaced the File Name\Original folder within the Image\Original folder. In newer versions of Photoshop Elements, the original file and all of its layers are saved directly in the Image\Original folder.

Image Assets

The original name for a layer is Image Assets\Name of your layer. To create a new layer with the file Name.png, you open the Create new layer dialog box as described in Importing and editing your first image and follow the instructions to select the Text icon. Then you click the Create New layer button. The Layer will appear in the Layers panel on the left of the screen.

Image Assets

To move an image asset to a new folder, follow these steps:

• In the Layers panel, drag the image to the new folder.

• The image will move and become its own layer within that folder.

**Note:** If you export the image as a PDF or JPEG, it will not export a copy of the image within the image assets folder.


The Layers panel is the heart of the Photoshop Elements experience. Layers are critical tools because they are the basis for all of the editing that you will do.


• You can manage your layers with the Layers panel or by using Layer properties

• To move a layer, hold down the SHIFT key, select the layer, and drag it to a new location.

• To move an image layer that you have open, select the layer in the Layers panel, and then hold down the Ctrl key and drag the layer to a new location.

• To duplicate a layer, select the layer in

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Brush Tool

Type the Text Tool and then click with the Enter key to delete the text.

Types of Brush Options for Text

Brush Tip Tool

Type the Type Tool, add text and then use the bracket keys (minus and +) to move it around.

The Scale Tool can be used to adjust the size of a circle, square, freeform ellipse, or polygon.

Select a Shape, create a Path, and then use the Rectangle (Rect) Tool to enclose a shape.

Triangle Tool

Type the Rectangle (Rect) Tool and then drag the handles to create a shape.

The Gradient Tool can be used to add a color gradient to the image.

The Shape Stroke Tool can be used to apply a stroke around a shape.

Lasso Tool

Type the Lasso Tool and click to select an area of an image. Then click and drag the handles to change the size of the selection box.

The Eraser Tool can be used to remove pixels from the image.

Select a Brush, create a Pattern, and then use the Eraser Tool to remove the selection.

The Gradient Tool, Draw a Shape, and then use the Eraser Tool to remove the selection.

The Magic Wand Tool can be used to select an area of an image based on certain properties.

Type the Magic Wand Tool and click to select an area of the image. Then click to remove selections that do not match.

Clone Stamp Tool

Type the Clone Stamp Tool and click with the Enter key to copy pixels from one area of an image and paste them into another area.

The Puppet Tool can be used to add or remove brushstrokes

What’s New In?

# History

The initial version of this library was developed by
Stefan Gehrig,
who later left to work for Adobe, the current maintainer of the library is [@sarz](

## What’s new in this version

* Add a list of properties for each [extension](
* Overwrite the [default options]( in each function with the provided list of properties.

## Author

This library was developed by [@mzabriskie]( current maintainer is [@sarz](

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT license.

I haven’t had a strong desire to play many of my favorite games in years. The 3D Realms game I was working on around the time of DUF is what originally put me off gaming. I would sit at the computer for hours, stalling out. I would save, and save, and save, not even really making anything, just saving. I suppose that’s the ‘Play’ part of the equation when you’re a heavily OCD person.

A year or two ago I picked up

System Requirements For Photoshop 2022 ():

Game Recommended – OS: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Hard Drive: 0.7 GB free space
Processor: Any system with at least 1GB RAM
Graphics: 2GB or better graphics card with a resolution of 1280×800
Sound: 1024×768 Sound card
DirectX: 9.0
Internet: Broadband Internet connection
Local Network: Ad-Hoc or Host-to-Host
Controls: Keyboard & Mouse
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