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2. Content of intervention:in the present trial, community-based mental health services include, but are not limited to, supervision and in-service training of CBHWs. CBHWs provide mental health support within the community. Mental health supports provided by CBHWs include psychoeducation and counselling, treatments for schizophrenia, depression and alcohol use disorder, referral to services when needed, and cultural sensitivity training for CBHWs. As part of the pilot, each community was selected to be part of a scheme designed to train CBHWs inbasic mental health counselling, and the training of CBHWs was delivered by local non-governmentaland governmentalorganisations. The training was at least 6 days in duration, and covered the following topics: introduction ofthe programme, mental health care, mental illness and mental disability, psychosocial functioning, suicidal thoughts and behaviour, grief, and trauma, substance abuse, treatment adherence, and stigma. Training was delivered primarily by trainers with experience in mental health and psychoeducation (Sahloul, Dixon, & Moberly, 2015). In-service training was recommended on an annual basis and was delivered through on-site visits by district and regional mental health coordinators. The delivery of in-service training was based on the results of the needs assessment and was delivered to CBHWs and members of the local civil society with the guidance of counsellors. WHO guidelines recommended providing risk management skills to all CBHWs. Providing risk management skills to all CBHWs was the strategy of the present trial. Risk management skills were provided in 3 sessions
2. Content of intervention(by types of health workers and per patients/carers):in addition to enhanced usual care (see below), providers offered steppedcare treatment, usingamanualisedpsychological intervention package, the core component of which was a locally adapted form of problemsolving treatment (PST) for primary care. With this intervention, the patient is guided through a stepbystep process of breaking down current psychosocial stressors and then exploring and trying out options for their resolution, which includes using personal resources and available social support. Mothers in the HIT arm of the study also received parenting skills training
The decision support electronic health record will store patient indicators entered by Nurse Case Managers (NCMs) and will provide diabetes and depression care prompts based on an evidencebased treatment algorithm developed from recommended guidelines for control of diabetes and depression, Indian formularies, and TeamCare investigators. The decision support electronic health record (DSEHR) will prioritise patients (new; poorly controlled; or well controlled but not reviewed 3 months) for case review meetings and will promote accountability (physicians must justify rejecting electronic care prompts)
Figure 2. Flowchart of study procedure for study component One, Two, and Three. GWC: Guidelines for Water Quality Control in Drinking Water Systems. BMC Health Guide. 2018; 18(1). Macinghem JV, Gremillion E, Marchand P, Sanchez M, Verhagen J, Vliegenthart J. ImageJ: A Java-based program to measure structures in electronmicroscope images. Microsc Res Tech. 2010;73:263-71. Cite this article.17. Gaullier F, Dognon V, Gauchon B, Fratantoni R. Structure and Fracture of the Viscerum: Modified for the Polish Audiences. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010;63:589-604. Cite this article.18. Keshavan MS, Gerrish JM, Chapman BJ, Peto R. The effectiveness of exercise for alleviating depression: a randomised controlled trial in primary care. J Clin Psychiatry. 2004;65(5):458-63. Cite this article.
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