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Nalini Jameela Autobiography Malayalam Pdf [REPACK] Free 14 129311;

Nalini Jameela Autobiography Malayalam Pdf [REPACK] Free 14 129311;


Nalini Jameela Autobiography Malayalam Pdf Free 14

nalini’s book is available in 12 languages as well as in english in the usa. dc books is still trying to figure out how to market the book in a way that benefits both the author and the publisher. one way is to make it as a ‘how to’ book, says ravi. the author has dedicated the book to the girl next door. and she has also written a foreword for the book.

nalini’s next book is a collection of short stories in malayalam titled subha thambara. nalini has been speaking at many literary events recently to promote her book. last year, the book was published in english and hindi under the title some very important things i learned from men.

“you have to accept it as a fact that men think with their dicks, and women think with their brains,” nalini tells us. “it is not like we can change the mind set of men. it is a fact of life. women were made to cater to men and that is how they think. for men, as long as you look good, you are good. you can get a cheap dress, eat junk food, drink, take drugs, be with a lot of people, smoke and drink. but it is the men who have to suffer.”

nalini says she is a ‘class act’ in her work. she works hard and is not interested in anything but her job. “i do what i have to do to survive, but i cannot do what i have to do because i like it. most people who have chosen a different career never know what it is like to actually work. most of the sex workers have chosen this profession because they have no other option,” she says.

on the other hand, he also says that the biggest challenge that malayalam publishers are going to face is that of the change in the reading habits of readers. it is likely that people will be ready to read only if they can find interesting stories that they can relate to. he believes that publishers will need to make their content more exciting to get the attention of readers.

the last chapter in the book discusses the important place the sex industry occupies in the life of women. since the 1970s, over half of india’s adult women have been engaged in the sex trade. and since the 1980s, the sex trade has been growing in power and strength. nalini argues that today, sex work is not about the transaction between men and women, but more about the man’s power over the woman. it becomes a character-building experience and becomes a means to realise their power.
ravi recommends that one needs to understand the social context where one is working before picking up a book. in hyderabad, apart from sex work, one also does petty theft and robberies. in that environment, he says, there is an inherent conflict between the demand and supply. the demand comes from the rich-rich. the rich-rich patronize the sex industry as it is the only viable form of livelihood for the poor. the rich-rich believe that they are paying for an act but the poor believe that they are being forced to it. the sex industry in hyderabad is also a significant form of black money.
the murder of a sex worker goes to the police. he said that the way to misconception of sex work is that people equate the sex industry with the transactional industry. if you look at sex work, this is very one-sided. from the point of view of an industry, we can say sex work is a commercial enterprise. however, we also know that this is not what it is. sex work happens in a complex web of socio-historical, economic and political contexts. nalini adds that both the theory and the practice of sex work is far from simple. the theory is about sex work, but the practice also encompasses trade and politics. there is no singular theory that can be told to everyone. the theory that is not fitted to the practice is also useless, nalini says.



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