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Masino Extensions For Phpmaker 54


Masino Extensions For Phpmaker 54

Note that Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 2019 is NOT compatible with PHPMaker 2023. But you can use this demo project file to test Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 2023. Normally, I use Masino.com for its clean interface. Since Masino.com doesnt provide a very clean interface, I make a folder from Masino Extensions for a specific project (refer to “myfolder”). I choose the existing clean folder in the directory “myfolder”, and then create a new folder for a demo project file. For example, I choose myfolder/myexample to create a folder for the demo project file.

I have prepared 6 demo project files for you. They are my.php, myget.php, mypost.php, myput.php, mydelete.php, and myview.php. Now, I will teach you how to import my demo project files into your own PHPMaker project files. (I normally use Masino.com for this. In Masino.com, you can choose any web-hosting service of your choice for your project. However, my demo project files only need to be uploaded onto your own hosting service. You also need to make sure that PHPMaker is installed on your hosting service.

Another benefit which I found in the new PHPMaker, for my limited eyes, is that, I can only see the latest installed version while PHPMaker reports the version number of each extension which is installed. If you don’t want to have such features, you can uncheck the [Selengkapnya…]

The first one would be the adjustment of the font used in text styling feature. While PHPMaker has the ability to adjust it per table, it doesn’t seem to work when using table created through WYSIWYG in [[PHPMaker_-_DB-Editor:_Table_For_Management_of_Database_Atributes]]

Note that Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 2019 is NOT compatible with PHPMaker 2023. But you can use this demo project file to test Masino Extensions for PHPMaker 2023. Normally, I use Masino.com for its clean interface. Since Masino.com doesnt provide a very clean interface, I make a folder from Masino Extensions for a specific project (refer to “myfolder”). I choose the existing clean folder in the directory “myfolder”, and then create a new folder for a demo project file. For example, I choose myfolder/myexample to create a folder for the demo project file.
I have prepared 6 demo project files for you. They are my.php, myget.php, mypost.php, myput.php, mydelete.php, and myview.php. Now, I will teach you how to import my demo project files into your own PHPMaker project files. (I normally use Masino.com for this. In Masino.com, you can choose any web-hosting service of your choice for your project. However, my demo project files only need to be uploaded onto your own hosting service. You also need to make sure that PHPMaker is installed on your hosting service.
Another benefit which I found in the new PHPMaker, for my limited eyes, is that, I can only see the latest installed version while PHPMaker reports the version number of each extension which is installed. If you don’t want to have such features, you can uncheck the [Selengkapnya…]
The first one would be the adjustment of the font used in text styling feature. While PHPMaker has the ability to adjust it per table, it doesn’t seem to work when using table created through WYSIWYG in [[PHPMaker_-_DB-Editor:_Table_For_Management_of_Database_Atributes]]




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