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Livesuit Pack V1 .05.zip

Livesuit Pack V1 .05.zip

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Livesuit Pack V1 .05.zip

the livesuit will open the inventory and the player will be able to select a character to play. the player can then access all the equipment of the selected character and the livesuit will be able to equip it to the player.

the third element of the pack is the image editing tool. the livesuit pack will introduce a ui based on the one in the mod and is introduced in a short video. the new image editing tool allows to resize and rotate images.

this is the first revision of the livesuit pack, with my first version of the script. the goal is to make it easy for other people to download and use, and to share their work. it includes just enough of the scripts necessary to generate a livesuit, but if you want to tweak the number of sectors, the placement of the sectors, the size of the sectors, and other tweaks to the factory defaults, you can do that, of course. i’m very proud of the simplicity of it. thanks to everyone who helped make this possible, and of course, thanks to everyone who helped test and review it.

hook.pk3 — a script that allows you to hook your livesuit into the boot sequence of the factory-default configuration. this is mostly for use with the boot.sfs, but can be used to tweak other stuff too. (for example, you can use it to make the “safe” key work for you, when using the livesuit).

system_info.txt — a list of system information for use with the livesuit. it includes information about where the system is (on the “system” partition, or on the “necrodump” partition), where the root directory is, where the livesuit is stored, what kind of filesystem is being used, and what the bios version is. it also tells you the name of the factory default configuration, and the name of the livesuit configuration. you can also load the livesuit.cfg file from the livesuit itself, if you want to use that instead of the script.

this is the first part of the livesuit pack. it includes a lot of stuff, including: moveable, deployable, and destructible life support systems. a chemical laboratory with a heater, braziers, smelting ovens, and a forge. a dozen little one-time-use, reusable, and upgradable nano-pods for storing samples. a 3d-printer. a dozen different kinds of personal armor. a dozen different kinds of weapons, including several weapons with built-in boosts. a utility belt.
it has a tiny window that shows if your mouse is moving or not. you can press to make the livesuit go back and forth between a normal and a giant size, that is good for terminal and for making terminal screens bigger.
also, it has some buttons to change the appearance of the livesuit. if you press twice, you get a normal, smaller life-suit, that is good for a regular mouse and to use the life-suit in a normal sized window.
the new pack has been released in the live version repository. l’estimo the words of “rino’, “v1 is the first version that i can really enjoy. it’s the first version that i am absolutely satisfied with.”
livesuit pack is the first pack in a series of live packs that i plan to release. this pack introduces the ui: the livesuit, the character editing and the image editing and the work that is still to come.
the main goal of the livesuit is to avoid the need to look for keys in the inventory and a way to simplify the gameplay. the livesuit is a single button item that behaves like a mini game in which the player is the avatar.




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