Life Works And Writings Of Jose Rizal Pdf Download –l [PATCHED] 🆕
Life Works And Writings Of Jose Rizal Pdf Download –l [PATCHED] 🆕
Life Works And Writings Of Jose Rizal Pdf Download –l
There is no dispute that the tropics are conducive to laziness. Rizal’s work exemplifies that during the first period of his stay on Samar, in particular, his laziness overshadowed his ability to work effectively. It was a trait that was not immediately apparent but became so upon further analysis. His apparent lack of sense of self-reliance, especially in times of danger, and his inability to cope with the problems he encountered were indicative of a lack of self-reliance and character of a mature adult. His lack of confidence during his first stay on Samar may be explained by the fact that he was young and inexperienced.
The most characteristic and defining feature of Rizal’s work, however, was his sense of compunction. This manifested itself in his compassion and concern for the oppressed. In this respect, his work differed from other types of works that benefited others at the expense of great others. Rizal, unlike Fray Vicente de Balboa, was not concerned with the vengeance he took on them. He sought, instead, to open the way for something new that would survive the ravages of time. He did so by expanding the Christians’ sense of compassion and consensus. He likewise expanded the Filipinos’ sense of pity on the miserable status of the colonized. At the end of his life, Rizal was ashamed that the Philippines had not achieved sufficient freedom, freedom that might have enabled them to deal with problems such as their “internal crises” or with their colonizers (Adams, S.P. 1995: 315). In 1894, Rizal wrote in his essay, “Social Criticism,” that ” it is the duty of a man, especially of an educated man, to help oppressed classes, for the dignity of consciousness depends upon participation in the sufferings of others.” His sense of compassion, however, was consistent with his commitment to freedom and emancipation. Rizal said that the ultimate solution for the problems of the Philippines is for the Filipinos to become a people of “sons,” as opposed to a people of slaves (Rizal, 1963a: 219).
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