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JetBrains PyCharm Professional 2018.7.3 Crack Latest.rar Adobe Photoshop CS6 Crack.. This tool is.Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by heart disease. (Cancer Facts & Figures 2004, American Cancer Society, Inc., 2004). Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women, accounting for an estimated 158,000 deaths in 2004. (Cancer Facts & Figures 2004). Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for approximately 12% of lung cancer cases and has a median survival time of 8-12 months.
Prognosis is directly related to the stage of the cancer when it is diagnosed. Just three years after the initial diagnosis, 43% of lung cancer patients have either distant metastases or local metastases have spread to other parts of the body. (Lung Cancer Facts & Figures 2003, American Cancer Society, Inc., 2003). Smoking cessation is the single most important intervention to reduce the risk of lung cancer and prolong survival. Despite warnings on cigarette packaging about the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, less than 30% of smokers in the United States have attempted to quit smoking. (R. J. G. Williams, et al., “Prevalence of smoking among patients with a first diagnosis of lung cancer,” Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 161(2): p. 414, (2000)).
The primary treatment modality for SCLC is chemotherapy, either alone or in combination with radiation therapy. The current standard of care for extensive stage SCLC is induction therapy (four to six cycles) with a combination of a vinca alkaloid, such as vincristine, and a platinum compound, such as cisplatin. This is typically followed by consolidative therapy with thoracic radiation. The median survival time for extensive stage SCLC is approximately 8 to 10 months. (American Cancer Society: “Cancer Facts & Figures 2004”). Because of the aggressive disease course and median survival, there is a large unmet medical need for novel therapeutics.
Patients with limited stage SCLC have a median survival of about two years, but the response rate to current chemotherapy is low, approaching 10%. (American Cancer Society
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