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How Hanna Pitkin’s Concept of Representation Shaped Political Theory (PDF)

Hanna Pitkin is one of the most influential political philosophers of the 20th century. Her seminal book, The Concept of Representation, published in 1967, is a landmark work that explores the meaning and implications of political representation in a democratic society. Using Ludwig Wittgenstein’s ordinary-language theory, Pitkin analyzes the different ways that representation can be understood and evaluated, such as formalistic, descriptive, symbolic, and substantive representation. In this article, we will review Pitkin’s main arguments and contributions to political theory, as well as some of the limitations and criticisms of her approach.

What is representation?

Pitkin begins her book by noting that representation is a paradoxical concept: it implies both similarity and difference, identity and separation, acting for and acting as. Representation is also a contested concept: different actors and groups may have different expectations and preferences about how representation should work and what it should achieve. Pitkin argues that representation is not a fixed or objective reality, but a dynamic and contextual phenomenon that depends on how it is used and interpreted by various agents.

To clarify the meaning of representation, Pitkin proposes four different views of representation, each with its own criteria and implications. These are:

  • Formalistic representation: This view focuses on the legal and institutional aspects of representation, such as the authorization and accountability of representatives. It emphasizes the procedural rules and mechanisms that enable citizens to choose and control their representatives through elections. Formalistic representation is concerned with the legitimacy and stability of the representative system, but not with the content or quality of the representation itself.
  • Descriptive representation: This view focuses on the resemblance or similarity between representatives and those they represent, such as their demographic characteristics, social backgrounds, or group identities. It assumes that representatives who share certain traits or experiences with their constituents are more likely to understand and advocate for their interests and perspectives. Descriptive representation is concerned with the diversity and inclusiveness of the representative body, but not with the actions or outcomes of the representation itself.
  • Symbolic representation: This view focuses on the psychological and emotional aspects of representation, such as the feelings of trust, loyalty, or identification that citizens have towards their representatives. It assumes that representatives who inspire confidence and attachment among their constituents are more likely to foster a sense of political community and belonging. Symbolic representation is concerned with the affective and expressive dimensions of the representative relationship, but not with the substantive or material dimensions of the representation itself.
  • Substantive representation: This view focuses on the practical and normative aspects of representation, such as the actions and outcomes that representatives produce on behalf of those they represent. It assumes that representatives who act in accordance with the interests and values of their constituents are more likely to advance their welfare and justice. Substantive representation is concerned with the effectiveness and responsiveness of the representative performance, but not with the formal or descriptive aspects of the representative selection.

What is genuine representation?

Pitkin argues that none of these views alone can capture the full meaning and purpose of representation. She suggests that genuine representation requires a balance between all four views, depending on the context and circumstances. However, she also proposes a general criterion for evaluating any form of representation: respect for the autonomy of both the represented and the representative.

Pitkin defines autonomy as “the capacity to act freely in accordance with one’s own judgment”. She argues that genuine representation respects the autonomy of the represented by allowing them to participate in shaping their own interests and values, rather than imposing them from above or outside. Genuine representation also respects the autonomy of the representative by allowing them to exercise their own judgment and discretion in pursuing those interests and values, rather than blindly following them or manipulating them for their own ends.

Pitkin acknowledges that respecting autonomy is not always easy or straightforward in practice. There may be conflicts or trade-offs between different views or criteria of representation, or between different groups or individuals who claim to be represented. There may also be challenges or limitations in communicating or understanding the interests and values of those who are represented, especially when they are diverse or changing over time. Pitkin does not offer a definitive solution to these problems, but rather invites us to engage in a continuous dialogue and reflection about what constitutes genuine representation in each case.

What is Pitkin’s contribution to political theory?

Pitkin’s book has been widely praised for its clarity, rigor, and originality in analyzing one of the core concepts of political theory. It has also been influential in inspiring further research and debate on various aspects and dimensions of political representation, such as its historical development, normative foundations, empirical manifestations, institutional designs, democratic implications, gendered dynamics, multicultural challenges, global contexts, etc.

Pitkin’s book has also been criticized for some of its assumptions

What are some of the criticisms of Pitkin’s approach?

Pitkin’s book has also been criticized for some of its assumptions and limitations. Some of the main criticisms are:

  • Ignoring the historical and social context of representation: Pitkin’s analysis is based on a largely abstract and ahistorical conception of representation, which neglects the historical and social factors that shape and constrain the practice and meaning of representation in different times and places. For example, Pitkin does not pay much attention to how representation is influenced by power relations, ideological conflicts, cultural norms, institutional arrangements, etc. She also does not consider how representation may vary across different levels and domains of politics, such as local, national, or global politics, or economic, social, or cultural politics.
  • Overlooking the agency and diversity of the represented: Pitkin’s analysis is based on a largely passive and homogeneous conception of the represented, who are assumed to have fixed and clear interests and values that can be easily communicated and understood by their representatives. Pitkin does not account for how the represented may actively participate in shaping their own representation, such as by mobilizing, organizing, protesting, lobbying, etc. She also does not acknowledge how the represented may have diverse and conflicting interests and values that may not be easily reconciled or aggregated by their representatives.
  • Underestimating the complexity and ambiguity of representation: Pitkin’s analysis is based on a largely rational and coherent conception of representation, which assumes that representation can be objectively measured and evaluated according to universal criteria. Pitkin does not recognize how representation may involve multiple and competing interpretations and expectations that may not be easily resolved or satisfied by any single view or criterion. She also does not appreciate how representation may entail paradoxes and dilemmas that may not be easily overcome or avoided by any form or mode of representation.

What is the relevance of Pitkin’s book today?

Despite these criticisms, Pitkin’s book remains a valuable and influential contribution to political theory. It offers a comprehensive and systematic framework for understanding and assessing one of the key concepts and practices of democratic politics. It also raises important questions and challenges for further research and debate on the nature and purpose of political representation in a complex and changing world.

Pitkin’s book is especially relevant today, when political representation faces new opportunities and threats from various sources, such as globalization, digitalization, populism, polarization, etc. These sources may create new possibilities for enhancing or transforming political representation, such as by expanding or diversifying the scope and modes of representation. They may also pose new risks for undermining or distorting political representation, such as by eroding or manipulating the quality and legitimacy of representation.

In this context, Pitkin’s book invites us to revisit and rethink the concept of representation from different perspectives and dimensions. It also encourages us to engage in a critical and constructive dialogue about what constitutes genuine representation in different situations and scenarios.

How can we apply Pitkin’s concept of representation to contemporary issues?

Pitkin’s concept of representation can help us to understand and evaluate some of the contemporary issues and debates that involve political representation, such as:

  • Women’s representation: Pitkin’s concept of representation can help us to examine the different dimensions and challenges of women’s representation in politics, such as the extent and impact of women’s descriptive representation in elected and appointed positions, the role and influence of women’s substantive representation in policy-making and agenda-setting, the meaning and significance of women’s symbolic representation in political culture and discourse, and the conditions and strategies for enhancing women’s formalistic representation in electoral and institutional systems.
  • Minority representation: Pitkin’s concept of representation can help us to explore the different aspects and implications of minority representation in politics, such as the degree and effect of minority descriptive representation in diverse and inclusive political bodies, the scope and quality of minority substantive representation in responsive and accountable political actions, the value and function of minority symbolic representation in fostering political trust and identity, and the opportunities and barriers for improving minority formalistic representation in fair and democratic political processes.
  • Global representation: Pitkin’s concept of representation can help us to analyze the different facets and challenges of global representation in politics, such as the level and outcome of global descriptive representation in transnational and international political actors, the nature and direction of global substantive representation in global governance and cooperation, the role and impact of global symbolic representation in shaping global public opinion and awareness, and the prospects and difficulties for advancing global formalistic representation in global democracy and justice.


In conclusion, Hanna Pitkin’s book The Concept of Representation is a classic work that provides a comprehensive and systematic framework for understanding and assessing political representation in a democratic society. It also raises important questions and challenges for further research and debate on the nature and purpose of political representation in a complex and changing world. Pitkin’s concept of representation can help us to revisit and rethink the concept of representation from different perspectives and dimensions, as well as to engage in a critical and constructive dialogue about what constitutes genuine representation in different situations and scenarios.


In conclusion, Hanna Pitkin’s book The Concept of Representation is a classic work that provides a comprehensive and systematic framework for understanding and assessing political representation in a democratic society. It also raises important questions and challenges for further research and debate on the nature and purpose of political representation in a complex and changing world. Pitkin’s concept of representation can help us to revisit and rethink the concept of representation from different perspectives and dimensions, as well as to engage in a critical and constructive dialogue about what constitutes genuine representation in different situations and scenarios.





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