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Fear 3 Trainer V 20

Fear 3 Trainer V 20

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Fear 3 Trainer V 20

at the end of the training, clients are left feeling a bit less stressed. this is in part due to the fact that the training process can be broken down into modules. based on the clients needs, the dog trainers can walk clients through these modules in either a group or one on one setting to ensure theyre feeling comfy about the training process and what to expect from the vet when theyre in there.

the reason, at least, why many of us struggle with mastering the concept of building a loving, stable and sound relationship with their dogs is that many of us grew up in homes that didnt have a lot of love or emotional support. if you ask many of us, at any age, how old we were when we learned how to relate to other people or how to develop friendships, our answer would probably be: to this day, i still struggle with those things. fear of rejection or not getting what i want is an excuse that many pet owners use for their terrors. if we could only learn how to dial back a little bit, perhaps we could resolve our fear of not getting our pets to behave the way we want them to. of course, that leads us to one of the most important questions: what can you do to get over the fear of rejection? i cant go into great detail about this, because i have addressed this issue in the books i have written and also in the lectures i have given to groups. i will offer you some suggestions, however, that might be useful to you in your work. first of all, think about how you expect others to respond to you. perhaps you imagine yourself to be a person who always says “yes” to the people who ask you to do things. do you see yourself as being an agreeable person? if so, do you feel that this behavior makes you “safe”? do you consider yourself to be a person who “knows how to get things done”? you can always change your behavior when your expectations fail you. do you expect others to treat you well even if youre hard to work with? do you actually get angry when others dont do what you want? another tactic to reduce your fear of rejection is to work on developing the ability to tell the difference between your expectations of others and your actual expectations of others. when others do not do what you expect, is it because of something they did or because you have some standards that they are not able to meet? try to learn how to distinguish between what others do and what you want them to do. to move into the next point, many of us get so worried about failing that we do things that turn out to be disastrous. how many stories are you hearing from clients or friends who have noticed that their dogs are much more stressed before a social event than they are afterwards? how many of you are finally realizing after conducting some kind of market research that dogs really hate to perform in front of people? what can you do to help your dogs avoid these situations? the biggest help in the world is not to get your dogs to do things that they would just as soon not do in the first place. you cant make people do things they do not want to do. you can, however, make them feel good about doing things they want to do. dogs learn best by doing things. if your dogs are anxious and act out before they do the things they want to do, they may learn to act that way before they have a chance to do the things they want to do. unfortunately, it turns out that for the most part, our dogs hate to do things and people are the least problem! they simply hate being apart from their humans! this is something that you can really help them overcome, and it will help them become happier dogs. the number one tool you can use in helping your dog overcome their fears is praise. in this context, praise does not mean using words like “good boy” or “good girl” or “dont get hurt”. praise means a “yes” and a “wait”. look for your dog to do things you want him or her to do and when they do, reward them by saying “yes” and “wait”.





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