EQSLMaster Crack [Mac/Win] [Updated-2022] 💢
EQSLMaster Crack For PC
eQSLMaster is a Windows Forms app, based on the interesting Open Source stack provided by Jeroen Brouns (The c# Project) and Steffen Hoehn (The QSL.cc Wiki page).
Please download the trial version at: www.eQSLmaster.com
eQSLMaster will automatically upload your Logs to a range of Log Services. This range is decided by the type of license (Free, Free with Twitter, Pay), but the Log Service will be the same for all users.
For Free users, the Log Service is the eQSL.cc database.
For Free with Twitter, the Log Service is a Twitter Account.
For Paid users, the Log Service is a Twitter Account and the QSL.cc database.
All these services are compatible with NOAHnet.
For the future, there is a plan to also provide log upload to a Facebook account.
For more info about the Log Services for free users visit: www.eQSLmaster.com/data-logs/
For more info about the Log Services for paid users visit: www.eQSLmaster.com/data-logs/
For more info about Twitter Logs check out: www.eQSLmaster.com/data-logs/
Sent from the eQSL Master Application for Windows, version Read license at www.eQSLmaster.com/license/.
Re: eQSLMaster is a HAM radio application, that allow to perform various functions using the Electronic QSL Card Centre (eQSL.cc)utemporal lobe
EQSLMaster (LifeTime) Activation Code
The purpose of eQSLMaster Cracked Version is to allow of perform the following actions using the
eQSL.cc central database:
– Having all eQSLs in a user account or sub-account.
– Verifying the credentials of a HAM for logging into the eQSL.cc central database (via the “VerifyQSO” web method).
– Uploading an entire logfile for storage in the central database.
– Validating a logfile to see if it contains valid logfile headers and a QSO entry.
– Uploading a logfile to central database (via the “ImportLog” web method).
– For a particular user account, export all the stored logs to.qbx log files.
– Is the web server accessible on a LAN?
1. If yes, we will validate the User Name and Password you provide.
2. ValidateUser returns an authorization code which must then be provided as a parameter of the next calls.
3. ValidateUser returns an authorization code, to be used in the next web method calls.
– GetQSLRoute should return the corresponding QSL routing information (logicals, fixes, numbers…).
– VerifyQSO verifies that the QSO is valid in the eQSL database, using the eQSL.cc central database.
– Send eQSL is used to record a QSO on the eQSL.cc central database. It uses the “VerifyQSO” method and must
use a non-empty QSO logfile. Its purpose is to allow developers to receive log file for a set of parameters that they will
verify or amend.
– ImportLog allows the import of a QSL (log file) from a logfile locally. The LogFile should contain logfile header
and one or multiple QSO (transmission data).
– ExportQSL allows one to export all stored QSO logs in the eQSL.cc central database as.qbx format files.
eQSLMaster For Windows 10 Crack source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
The sources are available on the website of The Institute of Directories, Communications and
Information, ie.
Source Code:
EQSLMaster Crack+ With Product Key [Mac/Win]
The eQSLMaster is a tool developed to run on a Microsoft Windows host, which is attached to the internet using a modem with an external access point (e.g. a router).
The user must have a static IP address and Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) enabled in the router.
First, the port of the ICS is forwarded from the modem to the external IP address of the host.
On the host, the eQSLMaster must be configured in order to communicate with the eQSL.cc server.
The user must add eQSL.cc’s username and password to LogServices at the host, and upload a test log (QSO) for verification purposes.
After the eQSLMaster is installed and configured, the host can be used to
upload a QSO for storage in eQSL database.
The eQSLMaster consists of three main parts:
A web page called eQSLMaster, that allows to perform the eQSL.cc operations.
A web server developed using IIS, that listens to a defined port to the external IP
address of the host.
An internet client developed using MS Internet Explorer, that connects to the
web server from the external IP address of the host and upload the appropriate log file to eQSL.cc.
The connections between the host and the eQSL.cc server are encrypted using SSL, both in the client
and in the server.
The user can upload log data to eQSL.cc (QSO) using any web browser on any machine (via
any computer IP address, not necessarily the same IP address as the host).
The eQSLMaster should be considered a prototype, and is not intended for mass deployment.
eQSLMaster a.k.a DRSLog
This is an option to verify the QRZ calls of all those who sent you an eQSL already.
You only need to write on the eQSL Master your “USER EASENAME” and it will show you all the people with whom you have an eQSL signed already.
You can also use the “QRZ COUNT” box to count the number of QRZ calls you have already recieved in your eQSL directory.
The DRSLog will show as much as you wish even if it would exceed the maximum number of items.
The DRSLog contains the logged callsign
What’s New In EQSLMaster?
eQSLMaster is a HAM radio application, that allow to perform various functions using the Electronic QSL Card Centre (eQSL.cc).
With eQSLMaster users of the eQSL.cc system have the ability to upload an entire ADIF format log file (or single QSO) and have it deposited into eQSL central database using LogServices.
The following operations are supported:
Use this web method to validate the username and password of an eQSL.cc user.
At present, UserName is the callsign, but this will change in the near future, as eQSL.cc implements some changes.
Use this web method to obtain preferred QSL Routing information for a ham in
eQSL database.
Under construction on eQSL.cc! Does not yet return correct information for eQSL users, but works great for callsign TEST.
Use this web method to verify that an eQSL presented to you is valid in the eQSL.cc database.
Send eQSL
Use this web method to upload in real-time a single log entry (QSO) for storage in the eQSL.cc database.
Use this web method to upload in real-time a whole log (ADIF format) for storage in the eQSL.cc database.
In an application of this kind, it is possible that the user type in the wrong username or password, and then the application gives information about an invalid login, or no login.
To configure the username and password of the connection to eQSL.cc, follow this steps:
1) Open the menu File / Settings / eQSL Central Server in the main menu.
2) Click the arrow menu button, and select Configure eQSL Central Server.
3) Select the tab Connection
4) In the box Authorisation fill in the username and password, separated by a colon (:), with no white spaces between them. Example: email@…
5) Click Save, and then restart the application.
User interface description.
The eQSLMaster user interface consists in two main parts:
The main menu on top of the menu bar of the application. It is use to access to eQSL actions.
The log list window, where you can view all your log entries. In this window you can view QSO
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7/8/10/XP
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 50 GB available space
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Additional Notes: XMP Profile 1.1
Processor: Intel Core i5
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
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