Bangla Juma Khutba Pdf Download ((FULL))
Bangla Juma Khutba Pdf Download ((FULL))
Bangla Juma Khutba Pdf Download
if the brother wants to continue this discussion in a more polite manner that doesnt start a debate, i would be happy to continue with that discussion. however, i still dont feel that this is the best way to bring up the issue and i feel that it is not the right forum for such discussion. while i do agree that in an ideal world, an arabic khutbah would be better, i feel that that is not what is practical for us at the moment.
the bottom line is i dont feel that this is the proper forum to have a debate about this issue. this is not something that can be resolved in a khalifa or in your religion and each muslim is responsible for doing all they can for themselves in order to be better muslims. if this is how you feel though, i am happy to continue discussing this further but i feel that this is the best way to approach this on online forums.
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i think that if the khateeb does his intro in arabic by starting out the first khutba with khutbat al-hajah which is the sunnah, and then switch to english. then in the second khutba he would do the same by starting out with arabic and switching to english, so this way he gives part of the khutba in arabic and he also conveys the message to the people who would be able to understand him in most of the khutba which is in english. this is what i personally do when i give the khutba, and it seems to be the best approach, because in reality, both khutbahs would have contained verses in arabic to make it qualify as a khutbah for those who say it is a requirement, and it is also in english so that people can understand. i also mention the verses and hadiths in arabic and then say their translation in english, so that would qualify as using arabic, and then people would still understand when i translate the verse or hadith, and this also might help them, with time, to learn arabic bit by bit during the khutbahs.
-jumhuriya: جمهورية، مجهورية. arabic word for republic, also used in names of countries such as afghanistan and indonesia. also a symbol of the muslim world to show unity of the ummah ( worldwide people of the islamic faith ). these videos are simple out of date commentary, all of whom are well known for their regular khutba in our masjids. you can start by reading the selamat datang post. this is the english translation for juma, khutbah.
the non-arabic khutbah is an imposture and an alien imposition upon the friday congregation and its outcome is misleading and harmful to the muslim community. as we are not going to recite the full forms of salah, it is not valid to deliver an non-arabic khutbah. not only friday, but for the purposes of any other congregational prayer too, the khutbah must be in arabic.
imam abu hanifah said about the khutbah: “if we deliver the khutbah in the arabic language, it will reach the heart of the mujahids, though they will not understand all the words of the khutbah and will only hear the purport and meaning of the khutbah.” “if the khutbah is not delivered in the arabic language, it will not be accepted by the mujahids.”
and the consensus of the four great imams is that the khutbah should be given in arabic and no other language. those who are not able to deliver the khutbah in the arabic language should at least say certain portions in that language, if they are able to deliver them.
one should not feel badly if someone in the congregation could not understand everything he says in the khutbah. we have to understand that in the present era, even for non-arabic speaking communities, the need of using arabic for the khutbah is paramount. the mother tongue of the majority of the audience is not arabic, therefore, arabic needs to remain the language of intercession to deliver khutba. a non-arabic khutbah cannot fulfill the requirement of friday prayer.
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