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Arturia Spark 2 V2.3.0 |TOP|

Arturia Spark 2 V2.3.0 |TOP|


Arturia Spark 2 V2.3.0

Take-home examples:

  • For beginners, a single drum could be used to play all the riff
  • For a band, drums, bass or electric guitar might be used to help form a groove that begins awkwardly, but improves over time
  • For a drone track, a slurring sound/note could be used while texturing to create a repetitive, oppressive ambient sound

The addition of two sequencer tracks lets the user store up to 32 patterns in the program, which are altered and sequenced via external MIDI interface, USB, or audio input. The two sequencers can be combined with each other, allowing for complicated sequences to be designed by editing the timing of multiple parts of a pattern. For example, let’s say that you want to make a track of 100 beats, where every eighth beat is a quarter note. In that case, you would set the first part to expect a quarter note every eighth beat – regardless of where the note marks (thicker lines) on the track are. However, once you’ve set that, you would set the second part to expect a quarter note every eighth beat, but not at the start of the pattern. Type “0 8 0 8 RB 9 tr” to alternate between the two tracks.

Settable pre-programmed note lengths (a.k.a. “pattern functions”) are used to further automate and program music that can vary in tempo or a number of parameters over time, like the amount of repeats or note rate or whether things repeat or not.

The only MIDI key that Spark 2 has is the B-/D#-9 is used to switch from user & preset patterns and is called the Presets DRUM pad. The other 16 keys offer access to software instruments, drum kits, and 16-step sequencers.



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