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Action Jackson Full Movie In English Watch Online ‘LINK’ 💥

Action Jackson Full Movie In English Watch Online ‘LINK’ 💥


Action Jackson Full Movie In English Watch Online

mitch jackson: i want to show you a couple of images of the jury deliberation room, and of course, at the end, just before the video, were going to make the jury do the same thing. now, the jury deliberation room itself is set up like a court room. youve got the jury on one side and youve got all the lawyers on the other side, and if you were watching this as a live news event, you wouldnt see us up here, youd see us sitting down there, in the actual jury room. and the jury would be behind the jury wall. now, the jury wall is a show-on-one-wall video display into the jury deliberation room so that you can actually see whats going on for the jury during that case. and thats where we can do that. but then theres the other side of the jury, and that is where that box is located, and it is an actual aural, video, and visual feed into the jury deliberation room, and theyre seeing the same information as theyre seeing for me.

after the jurors deliberate, they come back into the courtroom and we take it off. it goes to a server where the court reporter records it and then we put it up on the internet and you can watch it. it goes to the internet and you can watch it, and when they come back to court, as the attorneys all stand, we remove the video feed and we put the video feed in the front of the courtroom. the only difference is that were not recording the events, but we’re actually showing you whats going on. i dont know about this

you know, a lot of times i think during the trial, once we have the jurors in there, people dont think about this idea of you know projecting a testimony. all of a sudden theyre in there, theyre seeing the evidence. its on their computer. theyre looking through their goggles, wearing their headsets. were living in a world that we are all tech up. so not only are we going to get a better understanding of the issues, but were going to be able to communicate that through some pretty cool technology. weve also got the jurors in there, and you know, just walking through this whole thing. sam, im a little bit less comfortable with the whole idea of talking to the jury because theyre my peers and i dont know them. i mean, i do know them and i get along with them, but i dont talk to them. but when i have the ability to see, kind of, some of what theyre doing, i think thats just a really nice way of communicating with them.

beyond that, we have created a couple of other applications for kids and families, and they will be launching later this year as well. one is a video game that is targeted towards teaching kids about economics, but in a fun way. but, the other one is a science-based app where you can learn all about different elements of the periodic table. so we have a few apps in the pipeline that are targeted towards kids.
i believe that all of us have a little bit of that in us. we all want to look good on our shows, and everyone has that goofy side that theyre not afraid to show. so, we wanted to make a line of products that kind of allows people to do just that. and, like i mentioned earlier, to make it a lot more affordable so that everyday folks can have fun.
and it is sad, that we have actually entered a time in media in which there is no excuse for not learning about the world. today, the internet is literally the front line of media. journalists in the us now literally write for the internet, as the entire industry tries to subsume itself into the silicon valley business model of data and content creation. and thats a beautiful business model, and i love that, but it has the unintended consequence of leaving the less tech savvy out. the same internet technologies that are feeding content and news, also happen to be the same technologies that your employees may actually be using to run your office.
and while i dont need to be reminded everyday that the internet is the new frontier of media, sometimes, thats exactly what we get. we arent just bringing the world into a heads-up display, like the star trek replicators, were bringing the whole world into the front line of your business.





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