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40 Rules Of Love.pdf

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The 40 Rules of Love.pdf: A Guide to Transform Your Relationships and Life

If you are looking for a book that will inspire you, challenge you, and touch your soul, you should read The 40 Rules of Love.pdf by Elif Shafak. This novel is a fictionalized account of the life and teachings of the 13th-century poet and mystic Rumi, as seen through the eyes of his devoted disciple Shams of Tabriz.

The 40 Rules of Love.pdf is not only a historical novel, but also a contemporary story of a woman named Ella, who is unhappy with her marriage and career. She works as a literary agent and receives a manuscript from an unknown author named Aziz, who has written a novel about Rumi and Shams. As Ella reads the manuscript, she becomes fascinated by the story and the 40 rules of love that Shams teaches Rumi. She also starts to communicate with Aziz via email and feels a connection with him.

The 40 Rules of Love.pdf is a book that will make you think about the meaning of love, spirituality, and friendship. It will show you how to overcome your fears, doubts, and prejudices. It will teach you how to listen to your heart and follow your passion. It will remind you that love is the most powerful force in the universe and that it can transform your life.

What are the 40 Rules of Love?

The 40 Rules of Love are a set of principles that Shams of Tabriz taught Rumi to help him discover the true meaning of love and spirituality. They are based on the teachings of Islam, Sufism, and other mystical traditions. They are not rules in the sense of commands or obligations, but rather guidelines for living a life of love, compassion, and wisdom.

The 40 Rules of Love are not only applicable to romantic relationships, but also to all kinds of human interactions. They teach us how to respect ourselves and others, how to overcome our ego and fears, how to trust in God and the universe, how to be grateful and generous, how to embrace diversity and tolerance, how to seek knowledge and understanding, and how to live in the present moment.

Some examples of the 40 Rules of Love are:

  • “Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven’t loved enough.”
  • “Do not go with the flow. Be the flow.”
  • “Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”
  • “Don’t ever take words at face value. When you step into the zone of love, language as we know it becomes obsolete. That which cannot be put into words can only be grasped through silence.”
  • “Be thankful for every thorn that others might throw at you. It is a sign that you will soon be showered in roses.”

How does The 40 Rules of Love.pdf affect Ella’s life?

As Ella reads The 40 Rules of Love.pdf, she begins to question her own life and choices. She realizes that she is not happy with her marriage to David, who cheats on her with younger women. She feels trapped in a routine of domestic chores and meaningless work. She longs for something more, something that will make her feel alive and passionate.

She finds that something in Aziz, the author of The 40 Rules of Love.pdf. She is intrigued by his mysterious and adventurous personality, his spiritual insights, and his genuine interest in her. She starts to communicate with him via email, and soon they develop a deep connection that transcends the boundaries of time and space. They share their thoughts, feelings, dreams, and fears. They also share their love for Rumi and Shams, and their desire to learn from their teachings.

Ella decides to take a risk and meet Aziz in person. She travels to Amsterdam, where he lives, and they spend a few days together. They explore the city, visit museums and cafes, and talk for hours. They also make love, and Ella feels a joy and ecstasy that she has never felt before. She feels that she has found her soul mate, her true love.

However, Ella also faces a dilemma. She has to choose between staying with Aziz or going back to her family. She loves her children, but she does not love David anymore. She wants to be with Aziz, but she does not want to hurt her children or cause a scandal. She also wonders if Aziz is really the one for her, or if he is just a fantasy that will fade away.

How does The 40 Rules of Love.pdf end?

The 40 Rules of Love.pdf has a surprising and bittersweet ending. Ella decides to leave David and start a new life with Aziz. She tells her children about her decision, and they are shocked and hurt. Ella feels guilty, but also hopeful that they will understand and forgive her someday. She packs her bags and goes to the airport, where Aziz is waiting for her.

However, as they are about to board the plane, Aziz receives a phone call from his ex-wife, who tells him that their son has been in a car accident and is in critical condition. Aziz is devastated and asks Ella to come with him to the hospital. Ella agrees, but she also realizes that this is a sign from God that she is not meant to be with Aziz. She remembers one of the rules of love that Shams taught Rumi: “The quest for love changes us. There is no seeker among those who search for love who has not matured on the way. The moment you start looking for love, you start to change within and without.”

Ella understands that reading The 40 Rules of Love.pdf and meeting Aziz were part of her journey of transformation, but not her final destination. She has learned to love herself, to follow her heart, and to trust in God’s plan. She decides to let go of Aziz and let him be with his son. She also decides to let go of her old life and start a new one on her own terms. She leaves a note for Aziz, thanking him for everything he has taught her, and wishing him happiness and peace. She then takes a different flight to an unknown destination, where she hopes to find her true self and her true love.

What do readers think of The 40 Rules of Love.pdf?

The 40 Rules of Love.pdf has received many positive reviews from readers and critics alike. It has been praised for its captivating storytelling, its rich historical and cultural background, its poetic language, and its universal message of love and spirituality. It has also been appreciated for its portrayal of Rumi and Shams, two of the most influential figures in Sufism and world literature.

Some of the reviews are:

“The Forty Rules of Love is a beautiful and wise book that gently yet insistently probes the very nature of love, not only between lovers but also between friends, family members, and even strangers. Elif Shafak has woven a wonderful tale that spans centuries and continents, seamlessly blending historical fact with fiction. She brings to life Rumi and Shams in a way that illuminates their spiritual significance for us today.” (Reza Aslan, author of No God but God)

“The Forty Rules of Love is a fascinating and original novel about love in all its forms. Elif Shafak creates a vivid picture of 13th-century Anatolia, where Rumi and Shams forged their bond of friendship and poetry, and also a modern-day story of a woman who discovers her true self through reading their works. The book is full of wisdom, humor, and insight that will appeal to anyone who has ever searched for their soul mate.” (Jane Housham, The Guardian)

“The Forty Rules of Love is a captivating and uplifting novel that offers a new perspective on one of the greatest poets of all time. Elif Shafak has done a remarkable job of bringing Rumi and Shams to life, showing how their relationship transformed them both and inspired some of the most beautiful verses ever written. The book also shows how their teachings can still inspire us today to live with more love, compassion, and joy.” (Goodreads reviewer)

What are the main themes of The 40 Rules of Love.pdf?

The 40 Rules of Love.pdf explores several themes that are related to love, spirituality, and literature. Some of the main themes are:

  • Transformation: The novel shows how love can transform a person’s life, personality, and worldview. Both Ella and Rumi undergo a profound transformation as they encounter their soul mates, Aziz and Shams. They learn to overcome their fears, doubts, and prejudices, and to embrace their true selves and their true passions. They also learn to see the world with new eyes, and to appreciate the beauty and mystery of creation.
  • Spirituality: The novel introduces the reader to the teachings of Sufism, a mystical branch of Islam that emphasizes love, compassion, and wisdom. The novel also shows how spirituality can be expressed through different forms of art, such as poetry, music, and dance. The novel illustrates the power of spirituality to connect people across time and space, and to inspire them to seek a deeper meaning and purpose in life.
  • Literature: The novel celebrates the role of literature in human life, especially in times of crisis and change. Literature can provide guidance, inspiration, comfort, and joy. Literature can also challenge us to think critically, creatively, and empathetically. Literature can also create bonds between people who share a common interest or passion. The novel also pays tribute to Rumi, one of the greatest poets of all time, whose works have influenced millions of people around the world.

Why should you read The 40 Rules of Love.pdf?

The 40 Rules of Love.pdf is a novel that will touch your heart and soul. It will make you think about the meaning of love, spirituality, and friendship. It will show you how to overcome your fears, doubts, and prejudices. It will teach you how to listen to your heart and follow your passion. It will remind you that love is the most powerful force in the universe and that it can transform your life.

The 40 Rules of Love.pdf is also a novel that will entertain and educate you. It will take you on a journey across centuries and continents, from 13th-century Anatolia to 21st-century America. It will introduce you to fascinating characters and cultures, such as Rumi and Shams, the Sufis and the Mevlevis, the dervishes and the whirling dervishes. It will also expose you to some of the most beautiful and profound poetry ever written.

The 40 Rules of Love.pdf is a novel that you will not regret reading. It is a novel that will stay with you long after you finish it. It is a novel that will make you a better person.


The 40 Rules of Love.pdf is a novel that will inspire you, challenge you, and touch your soul. It is a novel that will show you the enduring power of Rumi’s work and the timeless wisdom of the 40 rules of love. It is a novel that will make you appreciate the beauty and diversity of life and the miracle of love. It is a novel that you should read if you want to transform your relationships and your life.





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