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Creanga De Aur Mihail Sadoveanu

Creanga De Aur: Mihail Sadoveanu’s Masterpiece of Mysticism and Romance

Creanga De Aur (The Golden Bough) is a novel written by Mihail Sadoveanu and published in 1933. It is one of the most enigmatic and symbolic works of the Romanian author, who is known for his historical and realistic novels. Creanga De Aur tells the story of Kesarion Breb, a young man from Dacia, who is sent by his priest to learn the secrets of the world and the new faith (Christianity) that is spreading rapidly in Byzantium.

The Plot of Creanga De Aur

The novel begins in the year 780, when Kesarion Breb leaves his homeland of Dacia, where he was initiated in the cult of Zamolxis, the supreme god of the Thracians. He travels to Egypt, where he spends seven years studying in the temples of the ancient civilization. There, he learns about astronomy, mathematics, medicine, alchemy, magic, and other mysteries. He also encounters a mysterious golden bough that has the power to open the gates of the underworld.

After completing his education in Egypt, Kesarion Breb goes to Byzantium, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. There, he witnesses the political and religious turmoil caused by the iconoclastic controversy, which opposed those who venerated images of Christ and saints (iconodules) and those who rejected them as idols (iconoclasts). He also meets Maria from Amnia, a beautiful and noble woman who becomes his love interest.

Kesarion Breb’s life in Byzantium is full of adventures and dangers. He solves a riddle that saves him from being killed by a bandit leader. He participates in a secret ceremony where he receives the golden bough from an old man named Filaret. He becomes involved in a conspiracy against Emperor Leo IV, who is an iconoclast. He rescues Maria from being kidnapped by a rival suitor. He discovers that Maria is actually his half-sister, as they share the same father, a Dacian prince who was exiled by the Romans.

The novel ends with Kesarion Breb and Maria escaping from Byzantium with the help of Filaret. They sail to an island where they live happily for a while. However, their happiness is short-lived, as they are attacked by pirates who kill Filaret and capture Maria. Kesarion Breb manages to free her, but they are both mortally wounded. As they die in each other’s arms, they see a vision of their souls ascending to heaven with the golden bough.

The Themes and Symbolism of Creanga De Aur

Creanga De Aur is a novel that explores various themes and symbols related to mysticism, romance, history, and culture. Some of the main themes and symbols are:

  • The golden bough: This is the central symbol of the novel, which represents both life and death, initiation and transcendence. It is inspired by the ancient myth of Aeneas, who used a golden bough to enter the underworld and visit his father’s ghost. It also refers to the book The Golden Bough by James Frazer, which was a comparative study of mythology and religion that influenced many writers of Sadoveanu’s time.
  • The Dacian heritage: This is another important theme of the novel, which reflects Sadoveanu’s interest in the history and culture of his ancestors. The Dacians were an ancient people who inhabited parts of modern Romania and fought against the Roman Empire. They had a rich spiritual tradition that included worshiping Zamolxis and practicing rituals such as human sacrifice. Sadoveanu portrays them as noble and brave warriors who preserved their identity despite foreign domination.
  • The Byzantine civilization: This is another major theme of the novel, which depicts the complexity and diversity of Byzantium, which was one of the most powerful and influential empires in history. Sadoveanu shows both its glory and its decadence, its art and its violence, its orthodoxy and its heresy. He also contrasts it with the simplicity and purity of Dacia.
  • The love story: This is another essential theme of the novel, which adds a romantic dimension to the mystical quest of Kesarion Breb. His love for Maria is passionate and tragic, as they face many obstacles and dangers. Their relationship also has an incestuous aspect, as they are half-siblings who do not know their true origins until later. Their love transcends death and leads them to eternal bliss.

The Reception and Legacy of Creanga De Aur

Creanga De Aur was initially ignored or criticized by most critics of Sadoveanu’s time, who were surprised by its departure from his usual realistic style. They also found it obscure and incomprehensible due to its symbolic language and references to esoteric knowledge. However, later critics have recognized its value and originality as one of Sadoveanu’s masterpieces.

Creanga De Aur has influenced many other writers and artists who have been inspired by its themes and symbols. For example, Mircea Eliade wrote a novel called The Forbidden Forest (Noaptea de Sânziene), which also deals with Dacian mythology and mysticism. Nicolae Manolescu wrote a literary analysis called The Golden Bough: A Reading Guide (Creanga de aur: Ghid de lectură), which explains the meaning and context of Sadoveanu’s novel. Gheorghe Zamfir composed a musical piece called The Golden Bough (Creanga de aur), which evokes its atmosphere and mood.

The Style and Language of Creanga De Aur

Creanga De Aur is a novel that showcases Sadoveanu’s talent and versatility as a writer. He uses a rich and poetic language that blends archaic and modern words, creating a unique and captivating atmosphere. He also employs various literary devices, such as metaphors, similes, allusions, and symbols, to enhance the meaning and beauty of his text. He also mixes different genres and registers, such as fantasy, realism, romance, adventure, and mystery, to create a complex and diverse narrative.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Sadoveanu’s style is his use of dialogue. He creates realistic and lively conversations between his characters, who speak in different languages and dialects, such as Dacian, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Turkish, and Romanian. He also uses different forms of address, such as titles, nicknames, and epithets, to convey the social and cultural differences between them. He also inserts quotations from various sources, such as the Bible, the Quran, the Iliad, and the Odyssey, to show the influence and interplay of different civilizations and religions.

The Critical Appreciation of Creanga De Aur

Creanga De Aur is a novel that has received mixed reviews from critics and readers. Some have praised it as one of Sadoveanu’s best works, while others have criticized it as one of his worst. Some have admired its originality and symbolism, while others have dismissed it as obscure and incomprehensible. Some have enjoyed its romantic and adventurous plot, while others have found it boring and tedious.

However, most critics agree that Creanga De Aur is a novel that deserves attention and respect. It is a novel that challenges and stimulates the reader’s imagination and intelligence. It is a novel that reveals Sadoveanu’s profound knowledge and curiosity about the world and its mysteries. It is a novel that expresses Sadoveanu’s vision and passion for his homeland and its heritage.

The Characters and Conflicts of Creanga De Aur

Creanga De Aur is a novel that features a variety of characters and conflicts that enrich and complicate the plot. Some of the main characters and conflicts are:

  • Kesarion Breb: He is the protagonist and narrator of the novel, a young Dacian who embarks on a journey of initiation and discovery. He is intelligent, curious, brave, and loyal, but also naive, proud, and stubborn. He faces many challenges and dangers along his way, both external and internal. He has to deal with enemies, rivals, conspirators, and traitors, as well as with his own doubts, fears, and emotions. He also has to balance his loyalty to his homeland and his priest with his attraction to Byzantium and Maria.
  • Maria from Amnia: She is the main female character and love interest of Kesarion Breb. She is a beautiful and noble woman who lives in Byzantium. She is kind, generous, wise, and faithful, but also proud, stubborn, and jealous. She falls in love with Kesarion Breb despite their different backgrounds and beliefs. She also suffers from the revelation that they are half-siblings. She supports Kesarion Breb in his troubles and escapes with him from Byzantium.
  • Filaret: He is an old man who acts as a mentor and guide for Kesarion Breb. He is a former priest of Zamolxis who left Dacia after the Roman conquest. He traveled to Egypt and Byzantium, where he learned many secrets and mysteries. He is the keeper of the golden bough, which he gives to Kesarion Breb as a sign of trust and recognition. He also helps Kesarion Breb and Maria to flee from Byzantium.
  • Leo IV: He is the emperor of Byzantium who rules with an iron fist. He is an iconoclast who persecutes those who venerate images of Christ and saints. He is also ambitious and ruthless, who plots to eliminate his rivals and enemies. He is suspicious of Kesarion Breb, who he sees as a potential threat. He also covets Maria from Amnia, who he tries to marry by force.

The Conclusion of Creanga De Aur

Creanga De Aur is a novel that offers a captivating and memorable reading experience. It is a novel that combines history and fantasy, realism and symbolism, adventure and romance, mystery and mysticism. It is a novel that transports the reader to a different time and place, where ancient civilizations and religions clash and coexist. It is a novel that explores the human condition and its contradictions, its joys and sorrows, its hopes and fears.

Creanga De Aur is also a novel that reflects Sadoveanu’s personal views and feelings about his homeland and its heritage. It is a novel that expresses his admiration and respect for the Dacian people and their culture. It is a novel that reveals his curiosity and fascination for the Byzantine civilization and its influence. It is a novel that shows his vision and passion for literature and art.

Creanga De Aur is a novel that deserves to be read and appreciated by anyone who loves good books.

The Conclusion of Creanga De Aur

Creanga De Aur is a novel that offers a captivating and memorable reading experience. It is a novel that combines history and fantasy, realism and symbolism, adventure and romance, mystery and mysticism. It is a novel that transports the reader to a different time and place, where ancient civilizations and religions clash and coexist. It is a novel that explores the human condition and its contradictions, its joys and sorrows, its hopes and fears.

Creanga De Aur is also a novel that reflects Sadoveanu’s personal views and feelings about his homeland and its heritage. It is a novel that expresses his admiration and respect for the Dacian people and their culture. It is a novel that reveals his curiosity and fascination for the Byzantine civilization and its influence. It is a novel that shows his vision and passion for literature and art.

Creanga De Aur is a novel that deserves to be read and appreciated by anyone who loves good books.





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