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Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf ✋🏿

Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf: A Rare and Controversial Book on Islamic Mysticism

If you are interested in Islamic mysticism or Sufism, you might have heard of Kashful Asrar, a book written by Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Kashful Asrar, which means “The Unveiling of Secrets” in Arabic, is a commentary on another book called Jawahir al-Kalam, which is a collection of sayings and teachings of Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, the sixth Shia Imam. Kashful Asrar was written by Khomeini in Persian when he was a young scholar in Qom, Iran, in 1943. It was later translated into Urdu by Muhammad Hussain Naqvi and published as Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf.

Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is a rare and controversial book for several reasons. First of all, it is one of the few works of Khomeini that deals with mysticism and spirituality, rather than politics and jurisprudence. Khomeini was known as a revolutionary leader and a jurist who established the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the concept of velayat-e faqih, or the guardianship of the jurist. However, he was also a mystic and a poet who had a deep interest in Sufism and gnosis. Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf reveals his mystical views and insights on various topics such as God, creation, prophecy, imamate, resurrection, etc.

Secondly, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is a rare and controversial book because it contains some statements and opinions that are considered heretical or blasphemous by some orthodox Muslims. For example, Khomeini claims that God can be seen by the eyes of the heart, that God has a face and hands, that God can be incarnated in human form, that God can speak through human tongues, that God can be influenced by human actions, that God can be pleased or displeased by human deeds, that God can love or hate human beings, etc. These statements are based on Khomeini’s interpretation of some Quranic verses and hadiths, as well as his own mystical experiences. However, they are rejected by some Muslims who believe that God is transcendent and incomparable to anything in creation.

Thirdly, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is a rare and controversial book because it criticizes some aspects of Sunni Islam and praises some aspects of Shia Islam. For example, Khomeini accuses some Sunni scholars of distorting the true teachings of Islam and following their own desires. He also praises some Shia scholars and imams for preserving the authentic teachings of Islam and following the guidance of God. He also defends some Shia doctrines and practices such as the concept of imamate, the infallibility of the imams, the intercession of the imams, the mourning for Imam Husayn, etc. These criticisms and praises are based on Khomeini’s sectarian affiliation and loyalty to Shia Islam. However, they are opposed by some Muslims who believe that Sunni Islam and Shia Islam are equally valid and authentic forms of Islam.

Fourthly, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is a rare and controversial book because it reveals some secrets and mysteries of Islamic mysticism and Sufism. For example, Khomeini explains some concepts and terms that are used by mystics and Sufis, such as tawhid, wahdat al-wujud, wahdat al-shuhud, maqam, hal, fana, baqa, etc. He also describes some stages and states that are experienced by mystics and Sufis, such as repentance, purification, illumination, love, intimacy, union, etc. He also mentions some practices and methods that are used by mystics and Sufis, such as dhikr, muraqaba, sama, shahud, mushahada, etc. These secrets and mysteries are based on Khomeini’s knowledge and understanding of Islamic mysticism and Sufism. However, they are hidden or unknown to some Muslims who are not familiar with or interested in Islamic mysticism and Sufism.

Fifthly, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is a rare and controversial book because it is difficult to find and access. The original Persian version of the book was banned and confiscated by the Pahlavi regime in Iran, which was opposed to Khomeini and his followers. The Urdu translation of the book was also banned and confiscated by the Pakistani government, which was allied with the Pahlavi regime. The book was also censored and suppressed by some religious authorities and groups who were hostile to Khomeini and his ideology. The book was also ignored and neglected by some scholars and researchers who were unaware of or indifferent to Khomeini’s mystical writings. Therefore, the book is not widely available or accessible to the public.

Sixthly, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is a rare and controversial book because it is valuable and influential. The book is valuable because it contains some original and profound insights and teachings of Khomeini on Islamic mysticism and Sufism. The book is also valuable because it reflects some aspects of Khomeini’s personality and character, such as his intellect, wisdom, piety, courage, sincerity, etc. The book is influential because it has inspired and influenced some people who have read or studied it. The book is also influential because it has contributed to some movements and trends that have emerged or developed in the Islamic world, such as the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the Shia revivalism in Iraq and Lebanon, the Sufi revivalism in Turkey and Indonesia, etc.

Therefore, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is a rare and controversial book that deserves more attention and appreciation. It is a book that can challenge and enrich your mind and soul. It is a book that can enlighten and transform your life and society. It is a book that can reveal and unveil some secrets and mysteries of Islam and God.

However, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is not a book that can be read or understood easily or superficially. It is a book that requires some prerequisites and preparations before reading or studying it. It is a book that demands some qualifications and conditions from the reader or student. It is a book that expects some responses and actions from the reader or student.

Some of the prerequisites and preparations that are needed before reading or studying Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf are:

  • A basic knowledge and understanding of Islam and its sources, such as the Quran, the Sunnah, the Shariah, the Aqidah, etc.
  • A basic knowledge and understanding of Islamic mysticism and Sufism and its sources, such as the Quranic verses, the hadiths, the sayings of the imams, the books of the Sufis, etc.
  • A basic knowledge and understanding of Khomeini and his life and works, such as his biography, his writings, his speeches, his actions, etc.
  • A basic knowledge and understanding of Persian and Urdu languages and their grammar, vocabulary, syntax, etc.
  • A sincere intention and motivation to read or study the book for the sake of God and His pleasure, not for the sake of fame or fortune or any worldly gain.
  • A humble attitude and disposition to read or study the book with respect and reverence, not with arrogance or contempt or any negative emotion.

Some of the qualifications and conditions that are required from the reader or student of Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf are:

  • A strong faith and belief in God and His oneness, His attributes, His names, His actions, His will, His decree, etc.
  • A strong love and devotion to God and His messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them) and his companions (may God be pleased with them) and his successors (may God bless them).
  • A strong commitment and obedience to God and His commands, His prohibitions, His recommendations, His preferences, etc.
  • A strong desire and aspiration to know God and His secrets, His mysteries, His realities, His manifestations, etc.
  • A strong will and determination to follow God and His path, His guidance, His signs, His friends, etc.
  • A strong patience and perseverance to face God and His trials, His tests, His challenges, His enemies, etc.

Some of the responses and actions that are expected from the reader or student of Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf are:

  • A grateful acknowledgment and appreciation of God and His favors, His gifts, His blessings, His grace, etc.
  • A sincere repentance and forgiveness of God and His mercy, His pardon, His clemency, His compassion, etc.
  • A constant remembrance and invocation of God and His names, His attributes, His praises, His glorification, etc.
  • A frequent contemplation and meditation of God and His signs, His creation, His wisdom, His power, etc.
  • A regular worship and service of God and His rights, His obligations, His duties, His orders, etc.
  • A loving intimacy and union with God and His presence, His nearness, His vision, His speech, etc.

Therefore, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is a book that can be a source of guidance and inspiration for those who are seeking God and His secrets. It is a book that can be a source of challenge and transformation for those who are striving for God and His path. It is a book that can be a source of enlightenment and illumination for those who are longing for God and His presence.

However, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is also a book that can be a source of confusion and misunderstanding for those who are ignorant of God and His signs. It is a book that can be a source of doubt and suspicion for those who are skeptical of God and His friends. It is a book that can be a source of deviation and corruption for those who are rebellious against God and His commands.

Therefore, Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf is a book that should be read or studied with care and caution. It is a book that should be read or studied with knowledge and understanding. It is a book that should be read or studied with faith and love.


In this article, we have introduced you to Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf, a rare and controversial book on Islamic mysticism and Sufism. We have explained what the book is, who the author is, how to download it for free, what the book contains, why the book is rare and controversial, and how to read or study the book. We have also provided you with some prerequisites and preparations, some qualifications and conditions, and some responses and actions that are needed before, during, and after reading or studying the book.

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. However, we also hope that you will respect the intellectual property rights of Khomeini and other authors, and consider buying the original and licensed version of Kashful Asrar By Khomeini In Urdu 77.pdf if you can afford it. This way, you can support their work and enjoy the full benefits and features of their book.





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