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Essay On If Mother Goes On Strike In Marathi [CRACKED]

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Essay On If Mother Goes On Strike In Marathi

Mother is the most important person in our life. She takes care of us from morning to night, without expecting anything in return. She cooks for us, cleans the house, helps us with our studies, and supports us in every situation. She is always ready to sacrifice her own happiness for our sake. But what if mother goes on strike? What if she decides to stop doing all the work and demands some respect and appreciation from us? How will our life change? In this essay, we will explore the consequences of a mother’s strike in Marathi.

Why would mother go on strike?

Mother may go on strike for various reasons. She may feel unappreciated and taken for granted by her family. She may feel tired and stressed by the endless chores and responsibilities. She may feel lonely and neglected by her husband and children. She may feel unhappy and dissatisfied with her life. She may want some time for herself, to pursue her hobbies and interests. She may want some recognition and reward for her hard work. She may want some respect and love from her family.

What would happen if mother goes on strike?

If mother goes on strike, our whole life will be disrupted. We will not get our breakfast, lunch, or dinner on time. We will not get our clothes washed, ironed, or mended. We will not get our school bags packed, our homework checked, or our doubts cleared. We will not get our medicines, bandages, or hugs when we are sick or hurt. We will not get our birthday cakes, gifts, or wishes when we celebrate. We will not get our advice, encouragement, or praise when we face challenges.

If mother goes on strike, our whole house will be in chaos. There will be dishes piled up in the sink, dust and dirt everywhere, clothes scattered on the floor, books and toys lying around, bills and letters unopened, plants and pets uncared for. There will be no order, no discipline, no harmony in the house. There will be arguments, fights, and complaints among the family members. There will be no peace, no joy, no love in the house.

How can we prevent mother from going on strike?

We can prevent mother from going on strike by showing her some gratitude and affection. We can thank her for everything she does for us, every day. We can compliment her for her cooking, cleaning, or dressing skills. We can hug her and kiss her and tell her we love her. We can give her some gifts or cards or flowers on special occasions like Mother’s Day or her birthday.

We can also prevent mother from going on strike by helping her with some work and giving her some rest. We can do some simple tasks like making our bed, tidying our room, washing our dishes, or taking out the trash. We can do some chores like sweeping the floor, dusting the furniture, or watering the plants. We can do some errands like buying groceries, paying bills, or posting letters. We can also let her have some time for herself, to read a book, watch a movie, listen to music, or chat with friends.


What are the benefits of a mother’s strike?

A mother’s strike may have some benefits for both the mother and the family. For the mother, a strike may help her to realize her own worth and value. She may gain some confidence and self-esteem by standing up for her rights and needs. She may also discover some new talents and passions by exploring her interests and hobbies. She may also find some new friends and support by joining some groups or clubs.

For the family, a strike may help them to appreciate their mother more and respect her more. They may realize how much she does for them and how much they depend on her. They may also learn some new skills and responsibilities by doing some work and helping each other. They may also develop some empathy and compassion by understanding her feelings and problems. They may also bond with each other more by spending some quality time and having some fun together.

What are the drawbacks of a mother’s strike?

A mother’s strike may also have some drawbacks for both the mother and the family. For the mother, a strike may cause some guilt and anxiety by leaving her family alone and helpless. She may also face some criticism and opposition by breaking the social norms and expectations. She may also lose some trust and connection by distancing herself from her family. She may also miss some important events and moments by being away from her family.

For the family, a strike may cause some inconvenience and hardship by losing their main source of support and care. They may also face some embarrassment and ridicule by being different from other families. They may also experience some anger and resentment by feeling abandoned and betrayed by their mother. They may also suffer some emotional and psychological issues by feeling insecure and unloved by their mother.

How can we resolve a mother’s strike?

We can resolve a mother’s strike by having a dialogue and negotiation with her. We can listen to her grievances and demands and try to understand her perspective. We can also express our feelings and needs and try to make her understand our point of view. We can then try to find a middle ground and a compromise that satisfies both parties. We can also apologize for our mistakes and appreciate her efforts. We can also promise to change our behavior and attitude and show more respect and love to her.

What can we learn from a mother’s strike?

We can learn a lot from a mother’s strike. We can learn to value our mother more and not take her for granted. We can learn to help our mother more and not burden her with work. We can learn to love our mother more and not hurt her with words. We can also learn to be more independent and responsible and not rely on her for everything. We can also learn to be more grateful and happy and not complain about everything.


In conclusion, a mother’s strike is a hypothetical situation that may have some positive and negative effects on both the mother and the family. It may help them to realize their importance and roles in each other’s lives. It may also help them to improve their communication and relationship with each other. However, it may also cause some problems and difficulties for both of them. Therefore, it is better to avoid such a situation by showing more appreciation and affection to our mother and making her feel happy and valued.


In conclusion, a mother’s strike is a hypothetical situation that may have some positive and negative effects on both the mother and the family. It may help them to realize their importance and roles in each other’s lives. It may also help them to improve their communication and relationship with each other. However, it may also cause some problems and difficulties for both of them. Therefore, it is better to avoid such a situation by showing more appreciation and affection to our mother and making her feel happy and valued.




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