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Dorje Drolo Sadhana Pdf 14 🟩


Dorje Drolo Sadhana Pdf 14

the sadhanas are said to be for the benefit and liberation of the individual, the family, the clan, the country, the world and all beings (protection of six sense organs, compassion for the living beings of the six realms) and the benefit of the sangha or the entire sangha (protection of the sangha or all the great ones, the teachings, practice and compassion). we sometimes think that the sadhana of a guru is just because he has walked the path of the guru. but it is not just because one has walked the path, it is because the guru has experienced the qualities, energy and divine powers of the guru while he is on the path and it is this actual truth that is now being explained and recounted in the following text.

karma pakshi had many revelations and many experiences, which helped him to understand things in depth and clearly. in the book compiled by his disciple and great reincarnate lama rezu a few of his revelations are explained, which are in line with the sadhana of dorje shugden.

but if one interprets khakhyap dorje’s guru sadhana as the inter-fused natural wisdom lineage of bodhicitta, one could say that the sixth karmapa is particularly well placed in any buddhist traditions as he has been immeasurably active in giving away the precious buddhist teachings in return for nothing. it is as if khakhyap dorje is saying that he is not here to change the world, but to leave it better. khakhyap dorje was one of the very few authentic kagyu lineage holders of his day. he did not teach false tantras, rituals and so on. he merely made the tantras authentic. he was an authentically realised, fully awakened being. he was a true master of every lineage he studied. i have no doubt that during the time of khakhyap dorje when he was alive the quality of the new generation of dharma offspring improved enormously. it is the legacy of his guruship in lineages that started after his death that have been greatly distorted. modern kagyu is in a very sorry state for it is a sad fact. his teachings are the foundation. he just opened a deeper door to it and these new generations are picking up new things from it.

The following is a short life story of Guru Rinpoche, also referred to as Padmakara in the text, extracted from the Precious Garland of Lapis Lazuli, a collection of life stories of the 108 main termas written by Jamgon Kongtrul the First and found in Volume I of his Treasury of Precious Termas called the Rinchen Terdzod . Rinchen Terdzod is a highly revered and widely practiced set of historic Sadhanas and Terma practice cycles and commentaries which was envisioned by Rime movement founders and compiled mainly by Kongtrul:
The first prayer will be offered at the Dorje Drak Monastery, the home of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa for so many years, by his Dharma protector, Geshe Tenzin Zangpo of the College of the Great Lamas; Geshe Tenzin Zangpo is one of the foremost scholars of Tibetan Buddhism in the West and an esteemed guide, mentor and teacher for the Karmapa-Obum Monks who live at Dorje Drak Monastery. We also offer a special prayer for the protection of the New Retreat Centre on the Jan Mayen Islands, which is currently being built for all the Karmapa-Obum monks. We will also offer special prayers at the Karmapa-Obum Monastery in Vancouver, Washington, where His Holiness the 16th Karmapa lived and worked for many years, along with all the retreatants. At the Karmapa-Obum Monastery in Washington, His Holiness the Karmapa would attend the international Drupchod Chakrasamvara ceremonies, which are held every year in June in Nepal. Those were always major events with His Holiness the 16th Karmapa presiding over the ceremonies. We offer a special prayer for the protection of all retreatants, wherever they live and work, as they carry out their retreat and studies at Dorje Drak Monastery. We offer special prayers for the success of all the retreatants, both those who have returned to their lives, families and work and those who will continue to come for retreats at Dorje Drak Monastery in the years to come.



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