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This entry was posted on August 1, 2007 at 1:55 pm and is filed under Film, Short. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.Q:

Can “something to be” modify “something that already is” in this sentence?

Recently, I faced an exercise in my exam paper, and the question said:

Write a sentence, taking note of the parts of speech and word order, with a main verb and a clause that modifies it.

So, after struggling a lot with this sentence in my head, I finally answered:

Regularity is expected and established in the book.

The correctness of this one can be concluded in many ways, for example, that it modifies established and expected as the a prepositional phrase, but does not modify established.
Anyway, I wonder whether it is right to take the content of the book as “established” and “expected”.
To my understanding, the core of this problem is that I cannot understand what is the relationship between “something that already is” and “something to be” (modifying “established” and “expected”).
Can I restate my question as follows:
Is the following sentence correct?

Something is an established fact.


“Something is an established fact” is grammatically incorrect.
We say “facts are established” when what we’re saying is that things (real and/or imaginary) are already real, e.g. “If I go for a run, I will get 10 miles”.
“Facts are established” works as a noun phrase, describing the state of things as real, whether established by an object or by other facts.
“The facts are established” would work as a full clause.
“The facts are established by… ” is possible, but it isn’t really common, since “the facts are established

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