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ADOX – I made this program to gain as much information as possible about the objects that make an Access database. I have never tried it with other types of databases, but as it is made using ADO it should not be a problem adding some extra code to handle those ones.
By all honesty I have to say that the code was not fully implemented by me: it is based on the original code by Francesco Balena. His project was a good starting point to add more features and a slighlty more user-friendly interface.
ADOX displays information about tables , views , groups , users and procedures of an Access Database.
Here are some key features of “ADOX”:
■ Shows information about tables, views, procedures, groups and users of an Access database.
■ Displays properties of columns, indexes, keys (for each table) and commands (for each queries) (see Figure 2 and Figure 3).
■ Table contents are available when selecting ’em (see Figure 1).
■ Is it possible to have a table showing the results of a VIEW: when selecting a VIEW a message box requests whether or not to execute the query.
■ A tool is available to convert a view or a procedure into a Visual Basic procedure that returns a string containing the SQL command (see Figure 3).
■ Source code includes the MyMsgBox form and module, the code for adding a progressbar into a statusbar and a “standard” about box fully customizable and other personal library modules.







ADOX Crack + Free Download [Updated]

ADOX Description:
BY Francesco Balena
copyright 2011-04-14
For more information, visit
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Main Features
4. Verification
5. Example1
6. Example2
7. Source Code
1. Introduction
This program is a very handy tool for anyone that wants to see and have an overview about a database that uses the Access database engine. I have never tried it with other types of databases, but as it is made using ADO it should not be a problem adding some extra code to handle those ones.
By all honesty I have to say that the code was not fully implemented by me: it is based on the original code by Francesco Balena. His project was a good starting point to add more features and a slighlty more user-friendly interface.
ADOX displays information about tables, views, groups, users and procedures of an Access Database.
Here are some key features of “ADOX”:
■ Shows information about tables, views, procedures, groups and users of an Access database.
■ Displays properties of columns, indexes, keys (for each table) and commands (for each queries) (see Figure 2 and Figure 3).
■ Table contents are available when selecting ’em (see Figure 1).
■ Is it possible to have a table showing the results of a VIEW: when selecting a VIEW a message box requests whether or not to execute the query.
■ A tool is available to convert a view or a procedure into a Visual Basic procedure that returns a string containing the SQL command (see Figure 3).
■ Source code includes the MyMsgBox form and module, the code for adding a progressbar into a statusbar and a “standard” about box fully customizable and other personal library modules.
ADOX Description:
ADOX Description:
BY Francesco Balena
copyright 2011-04-14
For more information, visit
2. Installation
Before starting you will need to download and install the following components:
1) To download the latest copy from the ADOX website, click here. After downloading this file save it in your desktop, in order to run this program.
2) Open the folder where you have saved the ADOX

ADOX Download

Using ADOX Crack Mac is not simple, but it is powerful and can be used also to easily and rapidly create some useful functions for your applications.
As mentioned, ADOX displays information about tables, views, groups, users and procedures of an Access database.
ADOX displays properties of columns, indexes, keys (for each table) and commands (for each queries) (see Figure 2 and Figure 3).
ADOX is able to read.mdb,.accd or.accdb databases.
The.mdb format is the standard Access database file format. If you have used Access before and do not have any problems, you can use the file.accdb. This is a new format that allows database files to be exchanged easily among different programs.
The SQL syntax is used to script Access commands.
■ Easy data validation.
■ User-friendly interface.
■ Support for Unicode.
■ No reference to Visual Basic.
■ Projects for Quick Access/Design.
■ It is possible to reuse existing code in different forms.
The MyMsgBox form and module is included: it displays information about the result of a procedure in a message box.
A progress bar is available to provide a visual indication of the progress of a task.
To calculate the LastUpdate date of the database, the LastUpdate property is used.
A custom date of use (syntax: timestampofdate) is available: in such a way, you can specify the last time that a certain command of Access will be executed.
ADOX has a friend… the delrusoft.com website: here you can find several articles that demonstrate how to use ADOX.
ADOX Risks:
The risks of using this program are:
■ It has been designed for an important task, so it is not a small tool. If you want to use it, I strongly recommend to use a version tested and fully compliant with the license.
■ If you use a database other than Access, the syntax must be modified so that the relevant information is displayed.
■ Your changes will be overwritten if a later update of ADOX is available.
■ If you are connected to an Access Database by using the “Tables/Views…” context menu, you will lose the ability to create queries.
■ The program has not been tested with Access 2003, but the code should be

ADOX Crack For Windows

We’ll begin with an image of the module window where the viewer can customize some aspects of ADOX interface.
(See Figure 1 for more details).
Figure 1 – ADOX menu
In the upper right corner of the interface, we can modify the title (by typing the title or pasting one from the Access menu), the background color of the form and the font size of the description.
There is also a panel on the right side of the window with some functions for example to open the Access database.
We can also change the size of the columns of the interface by choosing “Columns and Rows” (by CTRL+S), and “Columns width” on the “Columns” tab.
A small example of an ADOX progress bar.
Since ADOX displays information about each procedure and query we can call a function which will show the sql code of the selected table, procedure or query.
To show the sql, we have to execute the function calling the function of the selected object.
This function will also force the ADOX module to update the text on the window.
To simulate the effect we chose to show a progress bar by calling the function below, and to update the text we chose to call the function here.
[EDIT] It seems that VBA hides the progress bar and displays only a message box.
Set objCmd = CreateObject(“ADODB.Command”)
Set objCmd.ActiveConnection = objConn

objConn.CommandTimeout = 300
objCmd.CommandText = “Select * from Users”
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdText
If Not (IsNull(MsgBox(“Load objects?”, vbYesNo))) Then
End If

■ Get table properties
To add an image to the interface we need to select the “Image” tab.
We can change the foreground, background, size, title and position of the images.
In the same dialog, we can define the scrolling speed (scrollbar horizontal/vertical speed) and the taskbar position (where the image will be displayed).
Here is an example showing how to display images that show the contents of a table (see figure 2 and figure 3).
Before showing the table’s properties, we have to locate the table first.
To locate the selected table we use a function that gets information about the selected object, by calling the function for each object selected from the

What’s New In?

This project is based on software by Francesco Balena who was the author of a demo-ADOX program in 2000. The target database is an Access database created for a local University. The demo program was a demonstration of the use of the program, but it was not well-organized, the source code was not available, and the installation process was a pain in the ass.
The objectives of this project are to make a standalone program that:
– Has a clear & simple user interface,
– Is very simple to install,
– Has been rewritten in object oriented code,
– The code is:
well-documented, well-organized, well-compiled, and it is completely ready for be released.
Here is a demo-movie from the original working demo:
ADOX Description ofFigure 1:

Figure 1 shows a View called “TableNames”, by clicking on “View” button a panel on the left appears to let you select the table to be displayed. A message box pops-up to warn the user that the view will be queried. If you want a dataset from a view you have to set this option to False. Then a progress bar appears to inform you of the process.

Figure 1 shows a cursor over a cell of the table “TableNames”, which is currently selected.

Figure 1 shows a View called “TableNames”

Figure 2:

Figure 2 shows the Code window

Figure 3:

Figure 3 shows a table list

Figure 3 shows a table list

Figure 3 shows a tool that converts a view or a procedure into a Visual Basic procedure that returns a string containing the SQL command. Click on the tool button that corresponds to the object you want to convert to a procedure. A dialog will appear that asks if you want to convert the object into a Visual Basic procedure that returns a string. Click “OK”.
A dialog will appear that asks if you want to save the information of the object selected. Choose whether you want to save only “name” or “description”.
This code is for a table view, to convert it into a procedure you have to add the same code for a view or a procedure.

Figure 3 shows a tool that converts a view or a procedure into a Visual Basic procedure that returns a string containing the SQL command. Click on the tool button that corresponds to the object you want to convert to a procedure. A dialog will appear that asks if you want to convert the


System Requirements:

How to Install:
Read more about it here:
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